A variety of learning materials were used synchronously and asynchronously to achieve the best learning results. Instructor-designed PPTs were used for synchronous online tutoring sessions via the Live Classroom on Chineseforall.org. Authentic materials (print and digital) were used for both face-to-face group sessions and for completing assignments after the online sessions.
Here is a list of materials we used:
- Course packet compiled by the program
Elementary Chinese (textbook)
A Multimedia Course for Learning Chinese Characters (textbook)
- Chineseliteracy.net (web-based materials and exercises to build literacy foundation)
Resource bank materials (online materials compiled by the program)
Video Modules (authentic videos with exercises, featuring scenarios such as ordering food, shopping, giving directions, and traveling)
Other authentic material: menus, maps & street signs, traveling ads and brochures, promotional ads from stores, and more.
Learning Apps: The project team developed a prototype of a game-based learning material for grades 3-5.